Why I Decided to Create a Blogging & Styling Course

Are you prepared for the future of blogging? Research shows that blogging is and will continue to be an important marketing tool which will play a huge part in growing your business and increase sales. Everybody seems to be giving out information on blogging these days, but how much of this is relevant or worthwhile? There are so many courses out there giving blogging monetisation advice that just isn't practical or even, correct! You need a realistic plan of action that will actually grow your blog - and this is precisely what my new Professional Blogging and Styling Course can do for you!
I created this course because I fully understand what it’s like to be a creative entrepreneur. Your head is bursting with amazing ideas but you don’t know how to organise them into a sane, rational plan of action. You want to run a business you, but you also want to enjoy your personal life and have the freedom to be able to take time off! I get it!
I’ve been a business owner for most of my working life. My first business was in the corporate industry and although I loved being my own boss and financially independent, my business was taking over my life in a negative way. For me it wasn’t about not being able to generate sales in my business – a common problem for creative entrepreneurs! If anything, I think the ease of being able to make an attractive income quite early on in my business was as much an obstacle as it was a blessing. Originally I loved my business but it wasn’t an industry I was passionate about and I’d built it up in entirely the wrong way. Of course, I have always been grateful for being in such a privileged situation but I found that at the time, the best thing in my life was a business that consumed all my time and energy.
When the time came to realising what I really wanted to do with my life, I didn’t really know what to do. I had this idea to create Online Personal Stylist but felt uneasy about walking away from what I’d built up in my previous business. I wanted to move into a more creative field but wasn’t sure where to start! Sound familiar? Working in corporate was demanding. I felt obliged to answer emails and correspondence within minutes after receiving them. The standards were high and I knew that if I didn’t reply immediately, I could potentially lose the client completely. In the end, the turning point came to be several years into my business when I was at the mall with friends. I only wanted to take a few hours out during the day, have a coffee, catch-up with friends. But the constant buzzing of my phone told me that was not going to happen. I remember walking round the mall, apologising to friends as I hastily replied to messages in my over spilling inbox! In the end, I’d had enough! It was time to take action and take back control. I promised myself that the next time I came to visit the mall (perhaps a few weeks from that day), I would have taken action in order to improve my situation. I made the conscious decision to grow and monetise my fashion blog and then-passion project: Online Personal Stylist.
I would like to say that what I teach in the course are the exact steps I took to grow my fashion blogging business but unfortunately, I also wasted a lot of time reading materials and exercising strategies that just didn’t work! This course takes you through the stuff that I have done and continue to do that actually works, which has helped me to build my dream business and lifestyle!
"Where Can I Sign Up?"
So, if you're struggling to standout from the crowd in the blogging world and want to learn exactly how you can monetise your blog no matter the size of your following? Want to learn some professional editorial and styling skills to instil confidence and quality into your work? My new blogging and styling course will completely revolutionise the way you blog! want to join me? Find out more and sign up here.