How I Stay Motivated to Keep Writing Blog Posts
During the years in which I’ve been a blogger, I’ve written thousands of articles, tonnes of social media captions, many newsletters and full, in-depth course on blogging which consists of 40, 000+ words! So how does a person keep on writing and moreover, what motivates a writer to continue writing?!

Writers are interesting beings to say the least. An intriguing combination of creative, often shy, superstitious and free spirited. J. K. Rowling found, while writing the early Harry Potter books, that she was particularly productive when sat writing in a particular cafe, which is why she frequently revisited that same location. Truman Capote on the other hand, had a very eccentric writing routine. It is said to have involved drinking various alcoholic beverages throughout the day before getting stuck into writing. When we think about writers practicing their crafts, we often imagine two scenarios: a frustrated author suffering from writers’ block, or a calm and collected writer who can pour words onto a page all day long – faster than most of us are able to conjure up new words or ideas. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a detailed insight into the writing regimes of either of these writers (although I'd love to), but I can tell you how I stay motivated to write and how I’ve continued to produce new content ideas continuously over the last 11 years.
No matter whether you are talking about bloggers, authors, poets, editors, copywriters, novelists - they’re all primarily writers. In order to be a full-time writer, you need to love and enjoy writing. I stay motivated to write because I really enjoy writing. English was one of my favourite subjects at school and I’ve also always loved to read. When I’ve had a busy day or when I've been out a lot, there’s nothing I look forward to more than my next full-day at home when I can just lose myself in a day of writing. As a blogger, I no longer feel the need to publish absolutely everything I write. As well as writing heaps of content for my blog, social media and my email newsletter, writing also plays a big part in my everyday domestic life too. I write out goals, ideas, plans for the day and I use writing as a way to unravel new opportunities that come my way to see how they might evolve. Quite often you’ll find that the pen has a way of unfolding much more than what the eye alone can tell you. This is why writing down your thoughts is such a great way of overcoming any issues or questions lingering in your mind! They say "a problem shared is a problem halved." Sharing your ponderings and concerns with the page, by scribbling your way to the answers you're looking for, is sometimes all you need.
A lot of my own ideas for content come from topics that interest me personally. If there’s a subject I want to learn more about then I not only research it for myself, but I also study the information and turn it into a blog post that I can share with my audience. Although blogging success these days is largely about being unique, providing your audience with facts and information rewritten in your own style can also help to attract and retain readers. We all tend to have our favourite places to look to when researching news, clips to watch on Youtube, tutorials and product reviews. It’s not always the case that this content we choose to consume hasn’t been covered elsewhere; it’s just that we prefer to peruse it from a certain source. Last year I really wanted to learn how to cut my own fringe myself at home. So, instead of keeping that experiment to myself, I decided to turn it into a blog post for my readers to experience and enjoy too. I seek inspiration from a variety of sources and creating new content is always something fun and fresh, which keeps me motivated to write more.
A huge part of blogging success is down to consistency. If you’re not posting quality content on a regular basis, your audience is likely to forget about you and it will be difficult to attract new readers as well. One thing that has helped me tremendously in recent years in my blogging profession is my editorial planner. My editorial planner has helped me to plan out current and potential brand collaborations, earn more through affiliate income and of course, ensure that I never run out of ideas! Not ever blog post idea noted down in my editorial planner gets turned into a blog post, but the stacks of notes and titles I have serve as quality inspiration for other posts that will eventually be published. I have hundreds and hundreds of blog post ideas written down in my content calendar and even if I don’t write them up and publish them straight away, I know that they’re there ready for when the time is right.
Don’t forget to follow my daily life and updates over on Instagram.

Writers are interesting beings to say the least. An intriguing combination of creative, often shy, superstitious and free spirited. J. K. Rowling found, while writing the early Harry Potter books, that she was particularly productive when sat writing in a particular cafe, which is why she frequently revisited that same location. Truman Capote on the other hand, had a very eccentric writing routine. It is said to have involved drinking various alcoholic beverages throughout the day before getting stuck into writing. When we think about writers practicing their crafts, we often imagine two scenarios: a frustrated author suffering from writers’ block, or a calm and collected writer who can pour words onto a page all day long – faster than most of us are able to conjure up new words or ideas. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a detailed insight into the writing regimes of either of these writers (although I'd love to), but I can tell you how I stay motivated to write and how I’ve continued to produce new content ideas continuously over the last 11 years.
No matter whether you are talking about bloggers, authors, poets, editors, copywriters, novelists - they’re all primarily writers. In order to be a full-time writer, you need to love and enjoy writing. I stay motivated to write because I really enjoy writing. English was one of my favourite subjects at school and I’ve also always loved to read. When I’ve had a busy day or when I've been out a lot, there’s nothing I look forward to more than my next full-day at home when I can just lose myself in a day of writing. As a blogger, I no longer feel the need to publish absolutely everything I write. As well as writing heaps of content for my blog, social media and my email newsletter, writing also plays a big part in my everyday domestic life too. I write out goals, ideas, plans for the day and I use writing as a way to unravel new opportunities that come my way to see how they might evolve. Quite often you’ll find that the pen has a way of unfolding much more than what the eye alone can tell you. This is why writing down your thoughts is such a great way of overcoming any issues or questions lingering in your mind! They say "a problem shared is a problem halved." Sharing your ponderings and concerns with the page, by scribbling your way to the answers you're looking for, is sometimes all you need.
A lot of my own ideas for content come from topics that interest me personally. If there’s a subject I want to learn more about then I not only research it for myself, but I also study the information and turn it into a blog post that I can share with my audience. Although blogging success these days is largely about being unique, providing your audience with facts and information rewritten in your own style can also help to attract and retain readers. We all tend to have our favourite places to look to when researching news, clips to watch on Youtube, tutorials and product reviews. It’s not always the case that this content we choose to consume hasn’t been covered elsewhere; it’s just that we prefer to peruse it from a certain source. Last year I really wanted to learn how to cut my own fringe myself at home. So, instead of keeping that experiment to myself, I decided to turn it into a blog post for my readers to experience and enjoy too. I seek inspiration from a variety of sources and creating new content is always something fun and fresh, which keeps me motivated to write more.
A huge part of blogging success is down to consistency. If you’re not posting quality content on a regular basis, your audience is likely to forget about you and it will be difficult to attract new readers as well. One thing that has helped me tremendously in recent years in my blogging profession is my editorial planner. My editorial planner has helped me to plan out current and potential brand collaborations, earn more through affiliate income and of course, ensure that I never run out of ideas! Not ever blog post idea noted down in my editorial planner gets turned into a blog post, but the stacks of notes and titles I have serve as quality inspiration for other posts that will eventually be published. I have hundreds and hundreds of blog post ideas written down in my content calendar and even if I don’t write them up and publish them straight away, I know that they’re there ready for when the time is right.
Don’t forget to follow my daily life and updates over on Instagram.