The Secret: Daily Teachings Review
In need of something new to read? Why not take a look at 'The Secret: Daily Teachings'? This is a must-read, even if you weren't too impressed by the original 'The Secret'. Read on for our full 'The Secret: Daily Teachings' review and why you should read it too!

Look on any list of recommended books to read on the law of attraction or positivity and you will find ‘The Secret’. Since ‘The Secret’ was first published, there have been many subsequent books released by the author, Ronda Byrne, including ‘The Power’ and ‘The Magic’. The original book is so popular that it has even been turned into a film, available to watch on Netflix, as well as other resources too.

Although ‘The Secret’ is a great book with a truly inspiring message, it doesn't resonate with everyone. Even among those who love self-development books, ‘The Secret’ does tend to have “The Marmite Effect,” meaning that people either love it or don't see the hype. If however, you are still intrigued by what this book series has to offer, why not try ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’? This is basically all of the philosophy and lessons from the original ‘The Secret’ broken down into 365 easy-to-digest, daily teachings. It’s the perfect way to get your day off to a great start!

Each page offers an inspirational, thought-provoking quote for you to work your way through over the duration of a year. What's great about ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’ is that each message is straight-to-the-point, easy to understand and ideal for those who are new to the idea of law of attraction. Of course, it's also a must-read for those of you who are serious fans of ‘The Secret’ book series! ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’ is a must-have for your collection and an excellent way to dip your toes into this genre.
What's Inside?
The beauty of ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’ is that it's the kind of book that you can easily dip in and out of. The general idea is that you read and absorb one page per day. There is one daily teaching per page and each page is also labelled with the day of the week.

If you like reading multiple books at one time then this is a fantastic contender because each daily lesson will leave you feeling fulfilled. There's no flipping through pages or skimming through small text to find the point at which you left off last time. It's a clear, stress-free way to read and take in powerful messages, even if you're reading through sleepy eyes first thing in the morning!