How to Get Started with Boxing: The Beginner's Guide

Boxers of all ages and skill levels come in all shapes and sizes. Boxing is not just for those who can throw a punch, but also for those that want to learn self-defense or just have fun with their friends. Boxing is an excellent form of exercise and is good for your health. It's been proven that boxing promotes cardiovascular health, builds muscles, increases agility, and helps prevent dementia. If you're interested in getting started there are a few things you should know.


Shorter Punch Combinations

To start, you'll want to learn the basics of punching. Punching combinations will help you hit faster and cover more ground. Shorter punch combinations are easier for beginners because it helps them to learn the rhythm of punching quicker. You can start with a jab, cross, hook and uppercut combo. A jab should be your primary punch because it's a quick way to set up the other two punches without giving away too much space. 
The uppercut is a punch that goes upwards so it has more power behind it when connecting with an opponent's chin or jawline. This one may be difficult for beginners but as you get better at boxing, this becomes easier to do. As you are a beginner, there is no need to do complex boxing combinations. 3-4 punch combos will do. As you get better you can add more punches to your combos. It is better to be good at 4-5 combination types than doing a lot of badly-performed ones.

How to Get Started with Boxing: The Beginner's Guide

Drink Lots of Water

Water is a necessity for any athlete, and boxing is no exception. Before class or a workout session, it's important to drink about 10-12 oz of water. This will help keep your muscles hydrated and prevent cramping. Proper boxing training for beginners is tough, and you sweat like mad, so you have to refill yourself to be hydrated. If you are dehydrated, you will not have the energy to train. It's also important to drink water after class or a workout session to replace lost fluids.

Learning Boxing Ideas

Keep up to date with the latest fights, and boxing matches online and watch how the best boxers train their best boxing moves. Also there are tons of materials online from which you can learn. The more tricks and techniques you know, the better since you will see and understand your weaknesses. But the internet is also full of boxing training tips.
Create challenges and goals for yourself in order to measure your success and progress. It will make the exercise sessions more interesting as everyone loves to reach their own milestones.

Get a Boxing Coach

One of the most important things you can do is to get a boxing coach. As boxing is a demanding sport, it's necessary to have someone who can teach you the basics and help you train properly. It's also easier to learn from an experienced coach than by going through trial and error on your own. This person should be qualified to teach boxing and should know what they are talking about when it comes to technique. They also need to understand that this isn't something that anyone can just jump in and do without any experience under their belt.

How to Get Started with Boxing: The Beginner's Guide

Essential Boxing Equipment for Home

The first thing you'll need is a boxing ring. You can either buy one or make one. Make sure to have something along the ground for protection as well. If you're looking for a good, inexpensive option, you can use a large tarp from your local hardware store and set it up in the backyard or garage. The next thing you'll need is a pair of boxing gloves, preferably 16oz gloves. These will help cushion your hands and give you control over your opponent. 
Keep in mind that not all gloves are made the same, so make sure to purchase ones that are designed for boxing. It's not recommended that beginners use headgear or footgear since they often restrict motion and breathing respectively. You should also invest in some hand wraps, athletic tape and hand towels to wipe off your sweat during training. It's important to talk with someone at the gym about which gear is right for you if this is your first time ever participating in this sport.

Know Your Limits

Boxing is an intense sport and it's not for everyone. If you have a history of injuries or have diabetes, heart conditions, or high blood pressure, you should avoid boxing. You should also be in good physical shape before starting this sport.


Getting started with boxing can be intimidating, but the benefits are enormous. Pound for pound, boxing is one of the best forms of exercise for burning calories, building muscle and strengthening bones. Boxing is also a great way to relieve stress and frustration.
Boxing for beginners is a bit hard at the beginning, but the more you practice, the more you will enjoy it!