Online Personal Stylist Behind the Scenes: Get To Know Me Q&A
A few weeks ago I posted on social media, asking you to submit your questions for me to answer in a Q&A. So now it is time for me to share them with you. It’s like a ‘getting to know you’ questionnaire because I recently realised that I’ve never done one before. So without any further ado, let’s get started! You asked, I answered…

January 22nd (Aquarius).
I wake up every morning looking forward to the day ahead. I meet so many amazing people and I get to work on lots of interesting projects!
This might make you cringe! I could do what I do all the time. It’s difficult to prise myself away from.
A fashion designer or lawyer.
A Chanel 255 bag (prior to supporting vegan fashion).
A pair of Celine trousers for £0.70!
Coffee before noon. Tea from noon ‘til night. ☕
I can’t decide. Shortlisted are: Coco Chanel, Vivienne Westwood, Sienna Miller, Audrey Hepburn, Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen.
Reading, writing, sewing, jewellery making, fashion design, fashion, fashion styling, art, photography, and running.
30 (I’ve just counted and this was news to me!) ??
Before launching The Ethical Style Project and giving up shopping for 1 year (started May 2017), I bought clothes at least once per month, but quitting shopping has been a huge, positive learning curve for me! Buying something new at least once per month is way too often! Now I try to look at how I can revamp items I already own, which is actually much more enjoyable and as a result, I get a much better outfit!
I’ve always loved fashion. I wanted to find a job in the fashion industry where I could combine my logical, problem-solving personality with my creative flare. So, it was a split decision between fashion design and fashion styling/editorial.
I decided that I wanted to be a fashion stylist more than anything. I trained as a fashion stylist at London Fashion College to earn a recognised qualification. I set up a website, networked with people in the industry, found clients and ultimately created my dream career!
I started working in fashion in 2009 as a fashion blogger.
Brand Brilliance by Fiona Humberstone.
Coco Chanel.
Yes, two dogs and one cat.
It is similar to the name of my first business. I also liked how it is an obvious name, describing exactly what I do which I think helps me to keep my business focus.
Red, white, black, gold, beige, and navy.
Purple, brown and lilac grey (they look amazing on some people, but I don’t feel they are my best colours).
? & ☕
I support cruelty-free fashion, I am a vegetarian, and I am multilingual. ?
27.Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
My collection of coats and jackets, and also my jewellery.
Only 3 years ago actually! ? I can explain… My cat went missing and I was desperately trying to find her.
Anything to do with business, fashion, finance or languages.
Planning and to-do lists. There’s something really rewarding about ticking a box or crossing something off your to-do list. I don’t think I will ever convert my planning systems to digital versions, it just isn’t the same for me.
I wake up, drink coffee and then everything begins to take shape. I use a Bullet Journal to plan everything in my business and personal life. I start the day by checking my emails and keeping in touch with clients. I then tackle the biggest task of the day, whether that is a styling project or content creation. I check in on social media throughout the day to engage with my followers and colleagues. I then finish the day by working out what I have to do the next day or for the next few days ahead.
Decide on which area of the industry you want to work in and then look at all of the possible entrances into that field. You often find in the fashion industry that you work in a couple of sectors before finding where you are best suited.
Do it. Set goals and be passionate about what you do. If you have passion and a strategy you are on to a winner!
Travel and study another language.
The Harry Potter phenomenon! Nothing since has beaten the excitement and momentum like the release of each new film and book throughout the Harry Potter series. ?
Carrie Green’s She Means Business, and also JK Rowling’s Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination.
I most like ambition and determination. I least like self-pity and laziness.
Spending time with the pets and doing anything creative.

- Where were you born?
- Where do you live?
- When is your birthday?
January 22nd (Aquarius).
- What is your favourite thing about your career?
I wake up every morning looking forward to the day ahead. I meet so many amazing people and I get to work on lots of interesting projects!
- What is the worst thing about your job?
This might make you cringe! I could do what I do all the time. It’s difficult to prise myself away from.
- What did you want to be when you were small?
A fashion designer or lawyer.
- What is the most expensive fashion item you have ever bought?
A Chanel 255 bag (prior to supporting vegan fashion).
- What is the cheapest fashion item that you have ever bought?
A pair of Celine trousers for £0.70!
- What’s your favourite drink?
Coffee before noon. Tea from noon ‘til night. ☕
- Who is your style icon?
I can’t decide. Shortlisted are: Coco Chanel, Vivienne Westwood, Sienna Miller, Audrey Hepburn, Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen.
- What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, sewing, jewellery making, fashion design, fashion, fashion styling, art, photography, and running.
- Do you have a nickname?
- How many pairs of shoes do you own?
30 (I’ve just counted and this was news to me!) ??
- How often do you buy clothes?
Before launching The Ethical Style Project and giving up shopping for 1 year (started May 2017), I bought clothes at least once per month, but quitting shopping has been a huge, positive learning curve for me! Buying something new at least once per month is way too often! Now I try to look at how I can revamp items I already own, which is actually much more enjoyable and as a result, I get a much better outfit!
- What made you decide to become a fashion stylist?
I’ve always loved fashion. I wanted to find a job in the fashion industry where I could combine my logical, problem-solving personality with my creative flare. So, it was a split decision between fashion design and fashion styling/editorial.
- How did you start your fashion styling business?
I decided that I wanted to be a fashion stylist more than anything. I trained as a fashion stylist at London Fashion College to earn a recognised qualification. I set up a website, networked with people in the industry, found clients and ultimately created my dream career!
- When did you start working in fashion?
I started working in fashion in 2009 as a fashion blogger.
- What was the last book you read?
Brand Brilliance by Fiona Humberstone.
- What are you reading currently?
Coco Chanel.
- Do you have any pets?
Yes, two dogs and one cat.
- What made you decide to call your business “Online Personal Stylist?”
It is similar to the name of my first business. I also liked how it is an obvious name, describing exactly what I do which I think helps me to keep my business focus.
- What’s your favourite colour?
- What colours do you like wearing most?
Red, white, black, gold, beige, and navy.
- What colours do you least like wearing?
Purple, brown and lilac grey (they look amazing on some people, but I don’t feel they are my best colours).
- What is your most-used emoji?
? & ☕
- List 3 things that people probably don’t know about you…
I support cruelty-free fashion, I am a vegetarian, and I am multilingual. ?
27.Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
- What’s your favourite piece of clothing you own / owned?
My collection of coats and jackets, and also my jewellery.
- When was the last time you climbed a tree?
Only 3 years ago actually! ? I can explain… My cat went missing and I was desperately trying to find her.
- When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Anything to do with business, fashion, finance or languages.
- What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
Planning and to-do lists. There’s something really rewarding about ticking a box or crossing something off your to-do list. I don’t think I will ever convert my planning systems to digital versions, it just isn’t the same for me.
- How do you plan your day? What does a normal work day look like for you?
I wake up, drink coffee and then everything begins to take shape. I use a Bullet Journal to plan everything in my business and personal life. I start the day by checking my emails and keeping in touch with clients. I then tackle the biggest task of the day, whether that is a styling project or content creation. I check in on social media throughout the day to engage with my followers and colleagues. I then finish the day by working out what I have to do the next day or for the next few days ahead.
- Do you have any tips for people who want to work in fashion?
Decide on which area of the industry you want to work in and then look at all of the possible entrances into that field. You often find in the fashion industry that you work in a couple of sectors before finding where you are best suited.
- What advice would you give to people wanting to start a business?
Do it. Set goals and be passionate about what you do. If you have passion and a strategy you are on to a winner!
- What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Travel and study another language.
- What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience for the first time again?
The Harry Potter phenomenon! Nothing since has beaten the excitement and momentum like the release of each new film and book throughout the Harry Potter series.
- What website do you visit most often? ?
- What book impacted you the most?
Carrie Green’s She Means Business, and also JK Rowling’s Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination.
- What personality trait do you value most and which do you dislike the most?
I most like ambition and determination. I least like self-pity and laziness.
- When you're not working, how do you like to spend your time?
Spending time with the pets and doing anything creative.