An Interview with CUPFFEE: The Edible Coffee Cup Company
In May 2019, we attended the Webit Festival where we discovered many amazing brands and innovative products. Among them was CUPFFEE - a company that sells unique edible coffee cups. Anybody who has been to a large event of any kind will appreciate just how much waste is produced owing to the amount of water bottles, take-out coffees and other snacks and beverages consumed. CUPFFEE helped to eliminate that issue this year by encouraging attendees to drink their coffees from their own ethical, edible coffee cups. We tried them and loved them! They are such a fantastic invention and it's not often you come across an environmentally-friendly product that is so fun and enjoyable to use. We were lucky enough to interview CUPFFEE about their edible coffee cups to give you a better insight into their brand and products.
CUPFFEE is a Bulgarian start up with a mission to create and bring to market awesome products that keep people & the planet healthy and happy. We strive to be a trend setter in edible cups and accessory products. We promote sustainability and healthy lifestyle through innovation.
Everything in this world in its very beginning is just a simple idea …But when this simple idea is the one you blindly and unselfishly trust in, the one that doesn’t give you even a moment of rest, the one that becomes everything to you, and when you find proselytes who do not only like the idea but start building it up with you, then this simple idea becomes an IDEA which breaks the norms and has the potential to change the world! Cupffee is such an IDEA!
Everything in this world in its very beginning is just a simple idea …But when this simple idea is the one you blindly and unselfishly trust in, the one that doesn’t give you even a moment of rest, the one that becomes everything to you, and when you find proselytes who do not only like the idea but start building it up with you, then this simple idea becomes an IDEA which breaks the norms and has the potential to change the world! Cupffee is such an IDEA!
Up to now we are working with Etihad Airways and BH Air. We are in negotiations with other companies.
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CUPFFEE is a totally new, crispy alternative to the traditional plastic, paper or porcelain cups for hot and cold drinks.
Made from natural grain products, nature friendly, fantastically delicious and suitable not only for drinks, but also for anything else your imagination can create!
CUPFFEE has a slightly sweet flavour that doesn’t influence the taste of the drink -it only makes the whole experience way better. Through its unique technology, Cupffee’s freshness and crispiness are preserved for up to 40 minutes after a drink is poured into the cup and if forgotten –not a problem - Cupffee won’t leak for a day.
CUPFFEE’S thermal and moisture resistance is achieved without any icings or coatings -the artificial stuff are out and what is even better -the cup is entirely plant based!

Cupffee is suitable for hot and cold beverages. The baristas from "Barista Coffee and More" have developed for us three types of beverages:-MENTIATO (Refreshing combination of fine mint notes intertwined with the aroma of freshly made espresso, airy milk foam and a cube of ice);-PHILICCINO (Captivating harmonious balance between the bitterness if espresso, the natural sweetness of milk and the delicate taste of tiramisu);-CRISPRESSO (A tempting blend of melted fine milk chocolate, Italian espresso, milk and cocoa sprinkling).
After 5 years, we see Cupffee, as one of the leading companies working for the environmental protection, furthermore our goal is to become a manufacturer of biodegradable substitutes for plastic cups. We hope to attract more followers and innovators to the problems of our planet. Business is the one that has to move forward.
As Winston Churchill once has said: “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
Our production facility and administration are located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria - but we are global, Cupffee can be found not only in Bulgaria but in other countries around the globe.
You can buy CUPFFEE edible coffee cups on Amazon. They can contact us via our website, our Facebook / Instagram page, email ( or +359884931183
We were really impressed when we discovered CUPFFEE at the Webit Festival this year. Could you tell us more about your brand?
CUPFFEE is a Bulgarian start up with a mission to create and bring to market awesome products that keep people & the planet healthy and happy. We strive to be a trend setter in edible cups and accessory products. We promote sustainability and healthy lifestyle through innovation.
That’s amazing! What inspired you to start your business?
Everything in this world in its very beginning is just a simple idea …But when this simple idea is the one you blindly and unselfishly trust in, the one that doesn’t give you even a moment of rest, the one that becomes everything to you, and when you find proselytes who do not only like the idea but start building it up with you, then this simple idea becomes an IDEA which breaks the norms and has the potential to change the world! Cupffee is such an IDEA!
What made you decide to create an edible coffee cup? There are other sustainable alternatives on the market, but this is something completely unique!
Everything in this world in its very beginning is just a simple idea …But when this simple idea is the one you blindly and unselfishly trust in, the one that doesn’t give you even a moment of rest, the one that becomes everything to you, and when you find proselytes who do not only like the idea but start building it up with you, then this simple idea becomes an IDEA which breaks the norms and has the potential to change the world! Cupffee is such an IDEA!
Your cups are now available on some airlines. How is that going? And on which airlines and other places can you find your coffee cups?
Up to now we are working with Etihad Airways and BH Air. We are in negotiations with other companies.
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We think the taste and texture of your coffee cups is something that will intrigue a lot of people. We have already tried them and would say that they are a bit like a wafer or ice-cream cone. They are not overly sweet, which is good because we don’t like sweet coffee or have much of a sweet tooth. How would you describe them to somebody who has never tried them?
CUPFFEE is a totally new, crispy alternative to the traditional plastic, paper or porcelain cups for hot and cold drinks.
Made from natural grain products, nature friendly, fantastically delicious and suitable not only for drinks, but also for anything else your imagination can create!
CUPFFEE has a slightly sweet flavour that doesn’t influence the taste of the drink -it only makes the whole experience way better. Through its unique technology, Cupffee’s freshness and crispiness are preserved for up to 40 minutes after a drink is poured into the cup and if forgotten –not a problem - Cupffee won’t leak for a day.
CUPFFEE’S thermal and moisture resistance is achieved without any icings or coatings -the artificial stuff are out and what is even better -the cup is entirely plant based!

Can you put any type of drink in your cups? Does it have to be hot or can it be cold too? Are there any drinks that you do not recommend putting in your cups?
Cupffee is suitable for hot and cold beverages. The baristas from "Barista Coffee and More" have developed for us three types of beverages:-MENTIATO (Refreshing combination of fine mint notes intertwined with the aroma of freshly made espresso, airy milk foam and a cube of ice);-PHILICCINO (Captivating harmonious balance between the bitterness if espresso, the natural sweetness of milk and the delicate taste of tiramisu);-CRISPRESSO (A tempting blend of melted fine milk chocolate, Italian espresso, milk and cocoa sprinkling).
Where do you see Cupffee in 5 years time? What are your plans as a business?
After 5 years, we see Cupffee, as one of the leading companies working for the environmental protection, furthermore our goal is to become a manufacturer of biodegradable substitutes for plastic cups. We hope to attract more followers and innovators to the problems of our planet. Business is the one that has to move forward.
What advice would you give to anybody interested in setting up their own eco-friendly business?
As Winston Churchill once has said: “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
Where can people find you and how can people work with you?
Our production facility and administration are located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria - but we are global, Cupffee can be found not only in Bulgaria but in other countries around the globe.
You can buy CUPFFEE edible coffee cups on Amazon. They can contact us via our website, our Facebook / Instagram page, email ( or +359884931183
Thank you very much to the team at CUPFFEE for taking the time to answer my questions!