My New Year's Resolutions 2021
Hello and Happy New Year! I hope you are doing well. I decided to take over a week off over the holidays to recharge my batteries, ready to start a successful 2021!

Have you set yourself any resolutions for 2021? I know that many people are unwilling to set themselves too many goals or predictions for 2021 because of the uncertainty we experienced during 2020. While, I’m not going to make any travel or adventurous goals for this year, preferring to take things as they come, I will be setting goals for my work and mindset. Year 2020 was a fantastic year at Online Personal Stylist and it was our best year yet.
On New Year’s Eve I read my letter to myself of predictions, goals and plans for the year that I had written and hidden away at the end of 2019 – this is an annual ritual that I do each year, and it was laughable. I had completely forgotten that I had planned to travel during 2020 because let’s be honest, the most exciting outing for most of us during 2020 was a trip to the supermarket! I had generally planned to go out more and do more last year, which of course, did not happen! But that’s ok because the obstacles that prevented me from realising these plans were things I couldn’t control. Instead, this year, I choose to focus on things I can control, such as my work, skills and mindset.
I have a few exciting projects in store for 2021, some of which have already started and others which are still in the pre-launch phase.

A project that we’ve been working on since April 2020, we have now officially launched Second Hand in Style is a stylish online pre-loved fashion store, selling clothing and accessories for both men and women. There are new products still to come but you can start shopping now!

At the end of 2020 I started my own jewellery brand, which was a big hit. Thank you to everyone who supported us! After some careful consideration, I’ve decided to grow and evolve the brand by focusing more on luxury clothing and a small range of accessories for women. The brand is called House of Luisa and you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. I am so excited to launch this brand. We will be offering an exclusive range of high quality, classic fashion pieces that I am sure you will love! House of Luisa will hopefully be launching towards the end of this month so don’t forget to follow us on social media to be the first to hear of our official launch!
Last year was amazing and through Online Personal Stylist I was able to work on so many amazing collaborations. During the 5 years that I've been working full-time for this blog, I've worked with so many wonderful brands and partners and created 400 blog posts to date! In 2021 I aim to grow the blog even more and add lots more interesting content to this platform! Despite the other projects that I am launching and involved with, I will still be continuing to work on Online Personal Stylist full-time so don't go anywhere!
Last year, I decided not to read any business or self-development books because I’d got to the point where I felt as though I had read the same kind of message over and over. It was refreshing to take a break and read more fiction during 2020 but now I am really enjoying immersing myself in inspirational content once more. Being mindful about what you read, listen to and watch can make all the difference to whether we feel positive or negative. Recently, I’ve been reminded of how watching a motivational documentary or reading something inspiring lifts my spirits and puts me in a completely different mood, compared to if I watched something depressing.
What New Year’s Resolutions have you set yourself? Don’t forget to follow Online Personal Stylist on Instagram and let me know!

Have you set yourself any resolutions for 2021? I know that many people are unwilling to set themselves too many goals or predictions for 2021 because of the uncertainty we experienced during 2020. While, I’m not going to make any travel or adventurous goals for this year, preferring to take things as they come, I will be setting goals for my work and mindset. Year 2020 was a fantastic year at Online Personal Stylist and it was our best year yet.
On New Year’s Eve I read my letter to myself of predictions, goals and plans for the year that I had written and hidden away at the end of 2019 – this is an annual ritual that I do each year, and it was laughable. I had completely forgotten that I had planned to travel during 2020 because let’s be honest, the most exciting outing for most of us during 2020 was a trip to the supermarket! I had generally planned to go out more and do more last year, which of course, did not happen! But that’s ok because the obstacles that prevented me from realising these plans were things I couldn’t control. Instead, this year, I choose to focus on things I can control, such as my work, skills and mindset.
I have a few exciting projects in store for 2021, some of which have already started and others which are still in the pre-launch phase.

Our Pre-Loved Online Fashion Boutique is Now Live!
A project that we’ve been working on since April 2020, we have now officially launched Second Hand in Style is a stylish online pre-loved fashion store, selling clothing and accessories for both men and women. There are new products still to come but you can start shopping now!

Starting My Own Fashion Brand
At the end of 2020 I started my own jewellery brand, which was a big hit. Thank you to everyone who supported us! After some careful consideration, I’ve decided to grow and evolve the brand by focusing more on luxury clothing and a small range of accessories for women. The brand is called House of Luisa and you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. I am so excited to launch this brand. We will be offering an exclusive range of high quality, classic fashion pieces that I am sure you will love! House of Luisa will hopefully be launching towards the end of this month so don’t forget to follow us on social media to be the first to hear of our official launch!
Continuing to Grow Online Personal Stylist
Last year was amazing and through Online Personal Stylist I was able to work on so many amazing collaborations. During the 5 years that I've been working full-time for this blog, I've worked with so many wonderful brands and partners and created 400 blog posts to date! In 2021 I aim to grow the blog even more and add lots more interesting content to this platform! Despite the other projects that I am launching and involved with, I will still be continuing to work on Online Personal Stylist full-time so don't go anywhere!
Surround Myself with Inspirational Content
Last year, I decided not to read any business or self-development books because I’d got to the point where I felt as though I had read the same kind of message over and over. It was refreshing to take a break and read more fiction during 2020 but now I am really enjoying immersing myself in inspirational content once more. Being mindful about what you read, listen to and watch can make all the difference to whether we feel positive or negative. Recently, I’ve been reminded of how watching a motivational documentary or reading something inspiring lifts my spirits and puts me in a completely different mood, compared to if I watched something depressing.
What New Year’s Resolutions have you set yourself? Don’t forget to follow Online Personal Stylist on Instagram and let me know!
Wishing you lots of health and prosperity for the year ahead!
Luisa xxx