The Art of Drinking Matcha | #AD
I’ve long been a loyal fan of tea, but matcha tea only entered into my life a couple of years ago. In Britain, we’re most familiar with the famous English Tea - traditional black tea, often served with milk and/or sugar. However, alternative teas like matcha and other health-boosting teas have taken over the UK tea market in recent years. In fact, I feel that the total experience of drinking tea has changed since we were introduced to so-called “foreign blends”. For me personally, the art of drinking matcha is a truly delightful experience. That’s why I’ve incorporated matcha into my everyday lifestyle.

Kicking off my day with a vibrant cup of matcha tea is highly beneficial to my mindful morning routine. Experts encourage consumers to use matcha as a healthier alternative to coffee. While studies show that a staggering number of individuals have indeed switched from being coffee drinkers to matcha aficionados, I’ve yet to quit my morning espresso habit completely. That being said, I have reduced my coffee consumption by drinking matcha instead. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about sipping away at a freshly prepared, frothy, bright green cup of matcha. The art of drinking matcha provides a similar experience that coffee lovers rave about. Preparing matcha tea is similar to making a quality cup of coffee. What you spend in terms of extra preparation time, you get back in positive, mood-boosting feelings.

Matcha is a high quality, natural powdered form of green tea leaves. Drinking matcha tea is so much more beneficial than standard green tea. While on the western market, matcha tea is a relatively new drink trend, the Japanese have been drinking it since the 12th century. The green tea leaves used to make matcha tea are grown exclusively in Japan. The leaves are nourished in the shade for thirty days before they are harvested and blended. This process is carried out so that the green tea leaves develop higher amounts of caffeine, chlorophyll and theanine.

I’d imagine that most of us are used to buying matcha green tea in the form of matcha powder. Matcha powder is the end, desired result of the harvesting process. In Japan, it’s possible to see locals grinding down the leaves into what then becomes matcha powder. The matcha-making process is an art that is taken seriously by Japanese tea-drinkers. It can almost be perceived as something of a ceremony. This is what I find so fascinating and wonderful about this manner of consuming tea. It’s all about savouring every moment from start to finish. There’s a big focus in the media about being present and embracing the art of slow living. Mulling over a cup of homemade matcha just epitomises what mindfulness and the art of living slower but being more present are all about.

Don’t get me wrong, there are certain times when I really appreciate the speed and convenience of modern tea making. The UK is famous for its tea drinking culture and tea brands have put this to good use. In most British supermarkets, you’ll find a wealthy choice in the tea department with countless flavours to choose from. And while you’re perusing the tea aisles, you’ll also find an extensive choice of tea bags, giving you the option to make a quick 1-minute cup of tea when you’re in a hurry or a traditional brew that needs some time to stew. This method of making a cup of tea is impressively convenient but I just say, that even when I make traditional English black tea or Early Grey, I usually always make it in a teapot. No matter whether you’re grinding down matcha tea leaves, mixing up matcha powder or adding classic Ceylon tea bags to a pretty pot instead of dropping them into a mug, these little details turn simple beverages into a form of culinary art.
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There are many health benefits associated with matcha, including:
•Increases metabolism
•Reduces cholesterol
•Helps prevent cancer
•Stimulates detoxification
•Boosts mood, memory and concentration
•Good for the heart
•Source of chlorophyll
•Boosts brain function
•Reduces stress levels
•Antioxidant properties
•Possesses anti-aging properties

Varying versions and strengths of matcha are now used in desserts, soups, as a natural food colouring, in shakes, and other recipes. There are many newly created recipes that require matcha as an ingredient, although some might call for sweetened, less natural forms of the powder. I’ve tried matcha desserts and they were fantastic but personally, I prefer to use matcha powder to make matcha tea or matcha lattes.

I’ve made matcha tea before, but I was still extremely grateful to see the instructions clearly stated on the back of this packet of matcha powder. The instructions are concise and easy to understand. They’re so quick and easy to follow that it’s almost impossible to get it wrong.
1) Mix 1/3 tsp matcha powder to a little water and whisk well to create a smooth paste.
2) Add 250ml of water (70 degrees celsius) to the matcha paste and stir well using a whisk, until the matcha tea of frothy in consistency.
3) Drink, enjoy, repeat!
1) Mix 1/3 tsp matcha powder to a little water and whisk well to create a smooth paste.
2) Add 250ml of water (70 degrees celsius) to the matcha paste and stir well using a whisk, until the matcha tea of frothy in consistency.
3) Add hot, frothy milk to the matcha. I use plant-based milk, but any milk will work.
Add honey to sweeten (optional).

Authentic matcha powder is quite expensive, so it’s no surprise that many mainstream brands have been trying to produce cheaper versions or link their name to matcha. How can you determine if it’s authentic matcha powder? True matcha powder should be:
•Grown and produced in Japan
•Grown in the shade for the final weeks before it is harvested.
•Matcha should only be made using tencha leaves.
The Natural Health Market offers authentic, high quality matcha powder at great prices. Shop their full range and follow them here:
The Natural Health Market matcha powder

Kicking off my day with a vibrant cup of matcha tea is highly beneficial to my mindful morning routine. Experts encourage consumers to use matcha as a healthier alternative to coffee. While studies show that a staggering number of individuals have indeed switched from being coffee drinkers to matcha aficionados, I’ve yet to quit my morning espresso habit completely. That being said, I have reduced my coffee consumption by drinking matcha instead. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about sipping away at a freshly prepared, frothy, bright green cup of matcha. The art of drinking matcha provides a similar experience that coffee lovers rave about. Preparing matcha tea is similar to making a quality cup of coffee. What you spend in terms of extra preparation time, you get back in positive, mood-boosting feelings.

What is Matcha?
Matcha is a high quality, natural powdered form of green tea leaves. Drinking matcha tea is so much more beneficial than standard green tea. While on the western market, matcha tea is a relatively new drink trend, the Japanese have been drinking it since the 12th century. The green tea leaves used to make matcha tea are grown exclusively in Japan. The leaves are nourished in the shade for thirty days before they are harvested and blended. This process is carried out so that the green tea leaves develop higher amounts of caffeine, chlorophyll and theanine.

I’d imagine that most of us are used to buying matcha green tea in the form of matcha powder. Matcha powder is the end, desired result of the harvesting process. In Japan, it’s possible to see locals grinding down the leaves into what then becomes matcha powder. The matcha-making process is an art that is taken seriously by Japanese tea-drinkers. It can almost be perceived as something of a ceremony. This is what I find so fascinating and wonderful about this manner of consuming tea. It’s all about savouring every moment from start to finish. There’s a big focus in the media about being present and embracing the art of slow living. Mulling over a cup of homemade matcha just epitomises what mindfulness and the art of living slower but being more present are all about.

Don’t get me wrong, there are certain times when I really appreciate the speed and convenience of modern tea making. The UK is famous for its tea drinking culture and tea brands have put this to good use. In most British supermarkets, you’ll find a wealthy choice in the tea department with countless flavours to choose from. And while you’re perusing the tea aisles, you’ll also find an extensive choice of tea bags, giving you the option to make a quick 1-minute cup of tea when you’re in a hurry or a traditional brew that needs some time to stew. This method of making a cup of tea is impressively convenient but I just say, that even when I make traditional English black tea or Early Grey, I usually always make it in a teapot. No matter whether you’re grinding down matcha tea leaves, mixing up matcha powder or adding classic Ceylon tea bags to a pretty pot instead of dropping them into a mug, these little details turn simple beverages into a form of culinary art.
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What are the Benefits of Matcha?
There are many health benefits associated with matcha, including:
•Increases metabolism
•Reduces cholesterol
•Helps prevent cancer
•Stimulates detoxification
•Boosts mood, memory and concentration
•Good for the heart
•Source of chlorophyll
•Boosts brain function
•Reduces stress levels
•Antioxidant properties
•Possesses anti-aging properties

How Do You Use Matcha Powder?
Varying versions and strengths of matcha are now used in desserts, soups, as a natural food colouring, in shakes, and other recipes. There are many newly created recipes that require matcha as an ingredient, although some might call for sweetened, less natural forms of the powder. I’ve tried matcha desserts and they were fantastic but personally, I prefer to use matcha powder to make matcha tea or matcha lattes.

How to Make Matcha Tea
I’ve made matcha tea before, but I was still extremely grateful to see the instructions clearly stated on the back of this packet of matcha powder. The instructions are concise and easy to understand. They’re so quick and easy to follow that it’s almost impossible to get it wrong.
1) Mix 1/3 tsp matcha powder to a little water and whisk well to create a smooth paste.
2) Add 250ml of water (70 degrees celsius) to the matcha paste and stir well using a whisk, until the matcha tea of frothy in consistency.
3) Drink, enjoy, repeat!
Matcha Latte Recipe
1) Mix 1/3 tsp matcha powder to a little water and whisk well to create a smooth paste.
2) Add 250ml of water (70 degrees celsius) to the matcha paste and stir well using a whisk, until the matcha tea of frothy in consistency.
3) Add hot, frothy milk to the matcha. I use plant-based milk, but any milk will work.
Add honey to sweeten (optional).

Finding Authentic Matcha Powder
Authentic matcha powder is quite expensive, so it’s no surprise that many mainstream brands have been trying to produce cheaper versions or link their name to matcha. How can you determine if it’s authentic matcha powder? True matcha powder should be:
•Grown and produced in Japan
•Grown in the shade for the final weeks before it is harvested.
•Matcha should only be made using tencha leaves.
The Natural Health Market offers authentic, high quality matcha powder at great prices. Shop their full range and follow them here:
The Natural Health Market matcha powder
#AD - this post is part of a paid partnership with The Natural Health Market but all opinions are my own.