How to Completely Reinvent Yourself In Order to Live Your Best Life
Reinventing yourself doesn't have to mean going against your authentic self. In fact, it usually means the opposite! If you feel as though you're stuck in a rut in one or multiple areas of your life then you might want to consider making a change and trying something completely new. Here's a guide on how to completely reinvent yourself in order to improve your life and become the best version of you!

"A woman who changes her hair is about to change her life" - Coco Chanel
From Madonna to Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Bowie, these are just some of the many famous faces that have mastered the art of reinventing themselves time and time again. What do they all have in common, other than changing their fashion choices regularly? Each of their style eras represents a period of change in their lives, as well as the need to innovate in order to overcome varying obstacles in their lives and careers. These are also good examples that just go to show how reinventing yourself isn't about being somebody you're not, but rather embracing different eras and events in your life and responding to them in a positive way that makes you feel in control. After all, it's not the experiences we face in life that define us, but the way in which we respond to them. Whatever it is that has got you to this point, whether you're feeling bored, broken or brave, know that now is as good a time as any to reinvent yourself by reigniting your ambitions to live your best life.
Feeling unfulfilled in your job? Learn a new skill and embark on a new career path.
Tired of your daily routine? Immerse yourself in a new hobby or challenge.
Bored of your current hair or makeup look? Try a new style.
Waiting for that special occasion to wear your favourite outfit? You are the occasion, so wear it!
Tempted to rebrand your business and switch things up? Go for it!

Example 1: You Want to Become a Person Who Works Out Regularly and Prioritises Her Wellbeing
•Look at where you are in your current fitness journey and start from there.
•Think about what type of workout would suit you best. What would appeal to you most that would encourage you to stick to this new habit?
•Decide on where you will workout. Will you run outdoors? Will you go to the gym or a class? Or is there an area in your home that you can assign to your new fitness space?
•Create a workout uniform. You don't need to go out and spend hundreds on new fitness gear. Start with what you have and keep them as your workout clothes. Make sure your fitness clothes are always laid out ready for when you're due to workout.
•Surround yourself with others who share your new lifestyle. So if you're current circle of friends have a tendency to stay up all night and crawl into bed in the early hours but you plan to wake up at 6am to complete your workout, see if you can find a community of people either online or offline that support your new way of living.
•Last but not least, stay consistent.
Example 2: You Want to Become the Type of Person Who Is Seen as Strong and Successful But People Have Always Branded You as Shy or Even, a Victim
•First, let it be known that you cannot control what others think of you. Second, there is nothing wrong with being shy or going through your fair share of hardships in life. Third, you can always change the narrative whenever you choose and when you feel ready! You could be the most successful person in the world, ticking all the boxes - great family, financial freedom, health, happiness, but there will always be a select few or fail to see this and will instead search endlessly for any potential flaws in your life. Water your own grass and ignore those you can't change!
•In this case, carefully think about what success means to you. Is it getting through the day without crying or doubting yourself? Is it having a wonderful family life? Is it success in business and being financially free? Maybe it's something completely different or all of the above. Define what your most successful self looks like and keep that as your goal and motivator.
•Next, think about how this new strong and empowered version of yourself goes about her everyday life? What daily routines does she have? What does an average day look like for her?
•When you're done, write an honest account of your typical day right now. Be honest. What time do you go to bed and what time do you wake up? What do you do during that first hour after waking? How many times do you check social media during the day? How does this compare to the life you want to lead? You might only need to make small changes or perhaps you need to completely alter your daily routine. Don't let the fear of making big changes put you off!
•How does the new version of you dress, act, respond to problems? What does she eat, what does she read?
•Who will support you and more importantly, who won't?
It's not just individuals that have been known to reinvent themselves either. Many of the world's leading brands have completely pivoted their business strategy in order to achieve the success they're known for today.
"A change is as good as a rest!"

Reinventing yourself and building a personal brand involves thinking about why you want to rebrand yourself and what you want to gain from it? Also think carefully about your true values as an individual, how to maintain authenticity, and how manageable it will be to consistently present your best self. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:
1. Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take a good look at where you are in your life and career right now. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your rebrand or reinvention. Whether it’s driven more by your emotions or indifference? Having clear goals will guide your next move.
2. Define Your Unique Style and Niche
Your Look: Identify the fashion and beauty styles that resonate with you and align with your personality. This could range from minimalist chic to bold and glamorous.
Your Career: How can you incorporate more of the "new you" into your work or business? This could involve revamping your work wardrobe, changing what you eat for lunch each day, making good use of commute times, redoing your website or changing the visual appearance of your brand.
Your Daily Habits: What changes in your daily routine will you make to best accommodate this new version of yourself? Does the new version of yourself regularly workout? Do they make time to get their nails done each week? Do they wake up an hour earlier each morning to meditate, workout and read for 20 minutes each. If changing your hairstyle is a priority then perhaps a new daily habit might be styling your hair or mastering a new makeup look.
3. Develop a Personal Brand Identity
Brand Name: Write down a list of descriptive words that your personal brand represents then circle the 3 that appeal to you most.
Visual Identity: How do you envision your new look. Do you even want to change your appearance? There's no wrong answer here.
Brand Voice: Do you want your new brand's voice to be quirky, authoritative, bold or empathetic?
4. Curate Your Wardrobe and Beauty Collection
Wardrobe Overhaul: Invest in key fashion pieces that align with your new brand image. Focus on quality, fit, and style that enhance your persona.
Beauty Essentials: Build a collection of beauty products that you love and trust. Focus on items that help you achieve your signature looks, such as skincare staples, go-to makeup products, and hair care essentials.

5. Enhance Your Online Presence
If your personal brand is business related then you might want to showcase your reinvention online, as well as offline.
Social Media Profiles: Optimise your profiles on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest. Use high-quality profile pictures and consistent branding elements.
Content Strategy: Plan and create content that showcases your brand's values. Regularly post engaging content that adds value to your audience.
Website and Blog: Consider creating a personal website or blog to serve as your online portfolio and hub for all your content.
6. Good Vibes Attract Great Tribes
Sometimes it isn't us that needs to change but the people around us. Don't let other people's tendencies to drag you down dampen your ambition or good mood. Does this apply to you? If so, what can you do to change this so that you're surrounded by more people who are aligned with your interests and goals?
7. Consistency and Persistence
Remember that all new changes are exciting at first but can take a while to evolve into habits. Consistency and persistence are the key to forming new, positive habits. This also applies to reinventing yourself. If you're ever going through times when you're wondering whether it was the right thing to do, just remember why your started and your reasons for wanting to completely reinvent yourself in the first place.
8. If All Else Fails...
And finally, if afterwards you feel the need to change again then do it! Reinventing yourself isn't final and if it doesn't work out or you realise that the feeling was just a fleeting moment of curiosity for the purpose of getting back on track then that's fine.